Adrian Gwin invested over fifty years in his career as a journalist for the Charleston Daily Mail of Charleston, West Virginia, starting in the fall of 1942 and interrupted only twice--by his service during World War Two and his death in May 2001. During that time he wrote, among many news items, human-interest stories for four different feature columns that appeared anywhere from several times a week early-on to twice a month after he "retired." Those columns were loved by the people of the Kanawha Valley who subscribed to the Mail.

Books by Adrian Gwin
After much encouragement, Gwin gathered some of his better articles together and published them in a compilation as his first book. It was so well received that he published two more.

The first book, Never Grow Old With Our Man Gwin, a compilation of twenty-six of Gwin's favorite articles from his column "Roving the Valley With Friends and Neighbors, was published in 1981 by Jalamap Publications, Inc. of West Virginia.

Just one year later he presented another book, Roving The Years, with thrity-one articles from his column "Once Over Lightly". This second offering was also published by Jalamap.

After "retiring" from writing, Gwin submitted articles for a column titled "Looking Back". In 1993 he collected thirty favorites and published Once Upon Ago through McClain Printing Co., West Virginia. Copies of this book can still be purchased by contacting his son, John Gwin [].

A fourth book, An Extra Mile, based on his column "Our Man Gwin" was published without Gwin's authorization.

Column Articles by Adrian Gwin
At present most of the articles available here are from the Charleston Daily Mail's online archive and are reproduced with permission from the Mail's editor and publisher. This online archive will continue to expand.

Column: Looking Back
(articles are listed by year)

1988 1992 1995 1998 2001
1990 1993 1996 1999
1991 1994 1997 2000
Publish Date Unknown
This site is managed by members of Adrian Gwin's family.
For questions or comments, send email to info{at}ourmangwin{dot}net.
All of Adrian Gwin's articles on this site are Copyright© Charleston Daily Mail and reproduced electronically on this site with permission from the Charleston Daily Mail.